The average homeowner in America spends almost 200 hours tending to their lawns annually, totaling around eight days. This statement shows just how essential lawns matter to the average American.
While most people willingly work on their yard because they want their house to maintain an attractive outlook all year round, there are penalties for the few homeowners who aren’t consistent with their lawn care.
These laws are more of Nuisance Ordinances, which cities use to ensure you maintain your property adequately. It’s unlikely that you’ll end up in jail for not mowing your lawn.
This article will educate you about lawn mowing laws. You’ll learn some of the most common regulations nationwide and possible penalties for offenses.
Lawn Mowing Laws: Rules & Regulations
There are legislations on lawn mowing in almost all regions of the United States of America. Homeowners Association manages an area by setting regulations to ensure it’s well-kept. They can dictate the type of color that you can paint your house, the type of mailbox to use, and how and when to mow your lawn.
Two examples of HOAs in the country currently include the Willbrooke Homeowner Association and the Bearvadam No 2 Homeowners Association lawn and yard care quality.
The Willbroke Homeowners Association states in its lawn mowing regulations that you must maintain a neat appearance for your lawn all year round, regardless of the season. Also, you can only eliminate it by hand or chemical means. As you can see, the ruling isn’t specific on how exactly the length or style should be.
Some legislations like the Bearvadam No 2 Homeowners Association lawn and yard care quality state the size and color they want the lawns to be. The lawns in the vicinity must maintain a length of not more than 4 inches and have a healthy green color.
These two examples show the disparity that can be in these grass-cutting laws. HOAs in the country can have different grass-cutting laws depending on where you live. There are almost 60,000 HOAs in the USA, so that you know.
The HOAs don’t enforce mowing laws strictly. It’s rare to see an inspector measuring the length of your grass if it’s accurate or not. Mostly, HOAs only take action if a neighbor reports your building.

Is it illegal to not Mow your lawn?
The HOA will mostly give you 14 days to fix the issue. Sometimes, they can also conduct a board meeting before they give you the notice. In other cases, they won’t give you any time limit to remedy; they expect you to do something about the lawn as quickly as possible.
You’ll face a penalty if you don’t heed the HOA instructions. Most time, they’ll inflict a hefty fine on you. There have been cases of a $500 daily penalty. Eviction is also a possible end product of violating mowing laws.
The HOA can send a lawn mowing company to your house and impose the billing on you! You can be sure of spending much more than required if the HOA should do that.
The HOA can charge you to court if you don’t do anything after a significant period. One of the best ways to avoid all these severe penalties is to act quickly on an HOA ruling if you get one.
Grass Height Regulations Across the USA
Some HOA grass height regulations can be as little as 4 inches, while some let your lawns grow up to 12 inches. For instance, the required length for your grasses in Virginia and Texas is 12 inches for residential properties. The City of Elroy, Wisconsin, has it at 6 inches.
The standard grass height varies a lot depending on the location. Checking your local HOA regulations is the best way to determine your area’s local grass height stipulations. It’s imperative to note that it’s illegal if you leave your lawn untendered while it has exceeded the maximum height.
The Legal Time To Mow Your Lawns
It depends on the city where you live. Most HOAs usually let you mow your lawns around 7 am to 9 pm on weekdays and 8 am to 9 pm on weekends. Checking your local HOA is also the perfect way to determine your area’s legal mowing time.
The local mowing time is when you’re less likely to disturb others. Such times that mowing work can be disturbing include early morning and late night. When mowing your lawn at a time when neighbors are around, consider setting the machine to low operating power so you won’t disturb them.

Why Do We Have Lawn Mowing Laws?
Mowing laws exist to ensure that the environment is clean and tidy. Only if all the lawns in the vicinity are well-kept can the environment have a beautiful outlook. The government believes it’s upon it to keep the city clean and formulated mowing laws regulated by the HOA.
Unmowed lawns are some of the biggest attractors of snakes and rodents. If you decide to sell your house, having a tidy yard will enhance its curb appeal and increase its value. It’s safe to say that lawn mowing laws aren’t only for your and your neighbors’ benefit.
How Frequently Can I Mow My Lawns?
The law doesn’t care about the frequency you mow your lawn. All it cares about is not exceeding the required height or color. It’s practically impossible to get into trouble for mowing your lawns too often or less often if it doesn’t break any laws.
However, the frequency you mow your lawn is essential because that’s the only way to ensure it doesn’t overgrow. You should cut your lawns weekly every summer. In the winter, you can follow the frequency with which it’s growing.
Must I Mow the Lawn on My Abandoned Property?
Whether abandoned or not, your grasses mustn’t exceed the stipulated length. It’s imperative to make arrangements for mowing the lawn of your abandoned property.
The law is usually kinder on deserted properties and may give you enough time to do something about its lawn if sanctioned. If you fail to do the needful before the deadline, you may face its wrath. The period is usually one week but can be more or less depending on your vicinity.
Can I Blow Grass Clippings on the Road or Sidewalk?
In most cities of the US, it’s unlawful to blow grass clippings on the road or sidewalk. The reason is that it will make the road dirty and unkempt. Additionally, it can be hazardous to motorcycle and bike riders.
Find a good place to dispose of your grass clippings to avoid trouble.
Can I Report My Neighbor for Not Mowing Their Lawn?
You can report your neighbor if you think their lawn is breaking the law. However, it’s best to have a friendly talk with them before approaching the HOA.
They might heed your advice and do the needful, and if they don’t, report to the appropriate authorities. Remember, their untendered lawn might attract snakes and rodents that can visit your property too.
Forming a good rapport with your neighbor can be more beneficial than you think. They’ll do the same if you approach them calmly on relevant issues instead of reporting them. Having a good rapport can also help you in many other ways, like finding a convenient time to mow your lawn.
Grass-cutting laws exist because lawns exist, but many areas in the US require you to have grasses around your house. Observing mowing rules is easy because you only need to dedicate a few hours of your week to the job.
Don’t let the grasses exceed the required height; care for them well because many local jurisdictions frown on unhealthy gasses.
If caring for your lawn seems tasking because of your busy schedule, you can employ one of the many lawn care companies to help you. You’ll avoid getting in trouble because of your lawn with just a little money. Lastly, the best way to know the mowing laws for your vicinity is by checking with the local HOA.