There’s a start for everything, and the same applies to lawnmowers. Before the invention of the machine, humans used numerous other equipment and technique to keep their lawns in top shape. Now, cutting your grasses is easier thanks to the presence of high-performing riding mowers and robotic models.
Lawnmowers didn’t just get to where they are now; they’ve come a long way. Numerous individuals played crucial roles in its history to ensure we can mow as comfortably as we are now.
This article will educate you on all you need to know about the invention of lawnmowers. You’ll understand when we got the first lawn mower and who invented it. This article will also educate you on the invention of different mower types and how they developed.
When Was Lawn Mower Invented?
Edwin Beard Budding from Stroud, Gloucestershire, invented the first lawn mower in 1830. He had seen the design of the scythe and wanted to make an improvement. After years of careful work in the lab, he created the first push mower.
Edwin’s first mower heavily relies on human labor to work. It was made of wrought iron and had a length of 19 inches. The mower has cast iron wheels transmitting power from the gear roller to the cutting cylinder.

It has features that allow you to adjust the height of the cut to your specification. When you cut with this machine, it throws the grass clippings forward into a tray-like box. The machine worked very similar to a modern push mower and set the tone for the mower we all have in our garage today.
Thanks to the invention, we could enjoy playing some of our best sports on neatly mowed grasses. Also, the curb appeal of a home with a perfect lawn is just too mesmerizing to ignore.
Edwin acquired the patent for the lawn mower on August 31, 1830. This patent lets Edwin and his partner, John Ferabee, make, sell, and license other mower manufacturers. With the patent, some companies began producing lawnmowers in commercial quantities, like Ransomes, which began operation in around 1832.
You can find two of the earliest lawnmowers in the Regent’s Park Zoological Gardens and the London and Oxford Colleges. Unfortunately, you can’t get any of these machines for obvious reasons. Just kidding, you won’t need them.
Who Is Edwin Budding?

The man behind the lawnmower was an English inventor best known as the inventor of lawnmowers. However, the lawnmower wasn’t the only thing he invented; he also made the adjustable spanner. He was born on the 25th of August 1976 and died on the 25 of September 1846.
John Farabee was the man who sponsored the patent of Budding’s machine and funded the invention to a certain extent. It was hugely due to this man that companies could obtain mower-making licenses and start commercial production.
What are Further Improvements in Lawn Mower Productions?
After Budding invented his first machine, many modifications happened. A lot of individuals played their part in developing the development of lawn mowers. One of the most significant earliest modifications was the invention of animal-driven mowers around ten years after Budding released his mower.
Thomas Green & Sons also invented a mower more lightweight and effective than Budding’s, and it was a commercial success. One of the earliest big surges of lawn mower production was in the 1850s, thanks to Ferrabee’s company. The firm produced mowers in different models and sizes.
The first steamed-powered model came out 63 years after the patent for the first mower, thanks to a man called James Sumner. He successfully invented a machine that uses kerosene as fuel, which was very big and almost unusable. Nonetheless, it was the pacesetter for the gas-powered mowers that are popular today.
Lawn Mower Production in 1900
The 1900s marked the start of an iconic period in lawn mower history. Many brands started entering the market and popularizing gas-powered models. The first riding mower was also introduced during this period, revolutionalizing the mowing scene.
After producing the first steam-powered mower in 1893, the rotary blade cylinder mower was invented in 1900. 1901 Coldwell manufactured a steam lawn mower and obtained its patent on March 15. The machine has a driver’s seat.

In 1902, Ransomeness introduced the petrol-engined mower, a massive upgrade to the steam-powered one. This mower type was the most popular going into the first world war. Homeowners could use them for longer distances, and they’re more powerful.
Next in line were reel mowers which debuted in 1918. A year later, Colonel Edwing George invented the first gas-powered lawn mower, which became increasingly popular after world war two.
After this invention, the next major one in line was the self-propelled tractor rider, which marked the beginning of an elite period in the lawn mower-making industry.
When Was the Riding Mower Invented?

Riding mowers are the most popular mower types in the market currently. These machines make the yard work faster and are more effective. There are two types of riding mowers, lawn tractors and zero-turn mowers.
The Ideal Power Company developed the world’s first commercially available riding mowers in 1922. It took another 33 years before the invention of zero-turn mowers.
Riding tractors have been popular in the market before the invention of zero-turns. Zero-turn mowers only gave a better way to cut their grasses, and they saw instant love. By 1969, consumers could walk into their favorite store and purchase a zero-turn mower.
When Were the Robotic Mowers Invented?

The closest thing to a robotic mower was first invented on October 17, 1972, by Lawrence Belliringer. It is self-propelled and can stop when it detects a boundary. This technology would become a pacesetter for modern-day robotic lawnmowers.
The popularity of robotic lawnmowers rose in the late 90s and early 2000s when many brands were delving into the niche. 1995 marked the year that the first solar-powered robotic mower came out. It was one of the very first robotic mowers that mow without restriction, thanks to the fact that it can use a boundary wire to find its charging station.
In the subsequent years, many different mower production brands explored the production of automatic mowers. Many versions of robotic mowers are available if you don’t fancy spending time mowing your lawns.
What are other Notable Innovations in the Mower Making Industry?
From 1990 to today, there haven’t been many significant innovations in lawn mower production. In 1992, Sears Craftsman popularized the invention of the self-propelled push mower. This technology was massive and well-received because it made push mowing easier.
The machine has an engine that runs it, and you only need to direct it without much physical strain. In 2000, we also saw the creation of the first natural gas lawnmowers. Not much happened in the mower-making market after that, only that Black and Cecker created the first solar-powered model in 2012.
However, the idea of solar-powered mowers didn’t enjoy much success, and gasoline and electric models still dominated the market. Top brands like John Deere, Husqvarna, Ryobi, Toro, and Craftsman now have both residential and commercial mower types for yards of all sizes and terrains. These brands have zero turns, push mowers, lawn tractors, robotic lawn mowers, and many others.
Edwin Beard Budding invented the first lawn mower in 1830, but many people have partaken in the development. John Ferabee also contributed immensely to the development of the invention and was mainly responsible for funding Buddin’s work.
The push mower was the first popular type, and riding mowers came later. However, we had to wait until the late 20th century before getting the first self-propelled push mowers. Brands like Ransomenesss, Thomas Green & Sons, and the Atlas Chain Company (ATCO) were among the pioneers of the lawn mower-making industry.